Main Classes

Created by Assassin Akatsuki on Wed Sep 2nd, 2020 @ 9:35pm

Main Classes
There are Twelve Main Classes which you need to choose. This will determine your characters skills, attack patterns and how your character may behave whilst peforming quests. Your Class will be your main class and will determine your primary attack and defensive skills. You cannot change your main class, so choose wisely as each is different. Below is a breakdown of the twelve main classes.

Warrior Classes
Guardian - With a high defense, the Guardian Class is considered as a 'tank'. Guardians are expected to be up front to protect party members. Guardians do not have High DPS, but are able to distract and divert the enemy.

Samurai - Samurai's like the Guardian Class have a high defense stats. They excel in speed and quick attacks, but take longer to 'cool down' between attacks. Samurai's can dual equipe weapons for higher DPS, but can only get a few attacks in per battle, so planning is essential.

Monk - Monks have the highest HP of all the Twelve Classes, but the lowest Defense. They excel is guerrilla warfare and often have short cooldown periods. Monks are popular amongst solo-adventurers. Monks excel is quick surprise attacks, hitting the enemy before they have a chance to strike back.

Ranger - Rangers also known commonly as "hunters" excel at long range attacks using the bow and arrow. They are good for the rear of the party, as well as hunting down animals for food. They also usually carry a short sword or knife for close defense. They are lightly armoured for stealth and getting into the best position for hunting prey and enemies.

Weapon Attack Classes
Assassin - Assassins are one of the most diverse classes. They can wield multiple types of weapons. They focus on sneak and surprise attacks. An ambush killer, Assassins are good tacticians and trackers. They excel at taking out their enemy with stealth and skill.

Swashbuckler - Swashbucklers are an offensive melee class who rely on swordplay over their enemies. They are fast moving, can use duel weapons and are well rounded to take on multiple enemies at once.

Bard - Bards are usually known for their rear support and long range weapon attacks. They lack the same offensive skills such as Assassins or Swashbucklers, but can 'buff' their party members with music and often use spears, bows or crossbows as well as their instruments.

Thief - A Thief excels at sneak and infiltration missions. They can steal equipment and come in handy when disarming enemies. A thief is usually considered 'untrustworthy' by other classes, however are good at 'acquiring' objects. In the terms of attack, Thiefs often opt for minimal armour and clothing to hold them back and have high speed and agility.

Recovery Classes
Cleric - Clerics are commonly known as the best healers. They have the highest healing magic amongst the three recovery types. They support the party by cancelling spells, healing others and by strategising. However it should be noted that a Cleric does not have a high offensive skill and will need to be protected.

Druid - Druids are connected strongly to Nature. Much like the Cleric, Druids are good healers and are better at 'healing over time' which is better for longer drawn out conflicts. Druids have a higher offensive skill than Clerics and can use magic to control plants in the forst. Druids do run out of magic the quickest however.

Kannagi - Kannagi are a type of support who use spirits and ancient gods to heal and support their party. They come in useful for cancelling damage, boosting other support classes and putting up barriers. It should be noted that casting time for a Kannagi is the longest out of all the recovery types.

Priest - A Priest is a bit of the above. They can do a bit of everything, but not as strong as the other classes. They have minimal armor, but do have the unique ability to revive others on the battlefield. They often work from the rear of the party and excel better at buffing other members of the party than offensive magic.

Magic Attack Classes
Sorceror - Sorcerors have the highest attack of all the Magic Attack Class. They are essentially the 'Magical Version' of the Assassin. They however have very low health and defence compared to the others. Sorcerors excel at supporting parties from a distance with long range offensive spells.

Summoner - A summoner can use magic to summon beats, familiars and spirits to fight for them. They can 'tame' a beast spirit and then use it in battle. They have a high amount of magic, but a relatively low health level.

Enchanter - An enchanter has the highest amount of magic amongst any of the classes. En Enchanter will use a variation of spells for both defensive and offensive manners, as well as supporting others. However spells can take time to cast, and an enchanter is often best utilised at the rear of the party in combat.

Wizard - A wizard unlike the other magic attack classes uses spells to generate magic. They can learn a little bit of every other magic class, however it does take a long time for them to learn other skills, however are not able to heal others. They can only use spells that they have mastered. They excel in the middle of the party, offering magic offense from a mid range.

Civilian Classes
Merchant - A merchant is a person of trade. Their abilities include that of getting the best deal when selling and buying goods. Like all Civilian Classes they have very minimal health, defense and fighting skill and no armour.

Farmer - A Farmer is someone who is good at tending crops, looking after animals and working the land. They are good at producing food for sale in towns. Like all Civilian Classes they have very minimal health, defense and fighting skill and no armour.

Barkeep - A person who excels in serving drinks and runs a bar or tavern. They occassionally run an Inn or a public establishment. Like all Civilian Classes they have very minimal health, defense and fighting skill and no armour.

Villager - The bog-standard civilian with no special skills or properties. They make great NPC's. Also adventurers before joining a guild and choosing a class are considered Villagers. Like all Civilian Classes they have very minimal health, defense and fighting skill and no armour.

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